On the Wonders of Classical Music
by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Blog I have always listened to classical music, though perhaps that’s rather too vague a term for all of the wonderful varieties […]
This. That. Bric-a-brac.
by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Blog I have always listened to classical music, though perhaps that’s rather too vague a term for all of the wonderful varieties […]
by Fraser Hibbitt and Carl Kruse Just before the new year, Alto Reed passed away, adding a sad note to an already challenging year. The saxophonist and friend who spent […]
by Carl Kruse During the Cold War, Checkpoint Charlie was a border between East and West Berlin or more appropriately, the ONLY border where you could legally cross between the […]
by Carl Kruse Twelve years ago some guy (or group of people, nobody knows) called Satoshi Nakamoto, published an 8-page white paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” giving […]
By Carl Kruse Several Twitter admin accounts were recently compromised allowing a hacker to modify other accounts (see here), bringing even Jeffery Epstein’s Twitter account alive again to say, “I […]
By Carl Kruse It’s May 22, Bitcoin Pizza Day, celebrated by bitcoiners and friends everywhere. What’s this? Back in May 22, 2010, software engineer Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas with […]
By Carl Kruse Editorial Note: Bitcoin is a relatively new technology, on the frontier of knowledge and practice. Bitcoin is volatile, risky, experimental. It could go to zero. The Carl […]
By Carl Kruse The Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago and with it the beginning of the end of the Cold War. Today only fragments remain after much of the […]
A winged bicycle soars over the miniature golf course at the former Tempelhof airport in Berlin. Just past the fence is housing for five-thousand asylum seekers recently arrived to Germany. […]
When Thomas Pakenham first thought of making a book about his favorite trees near his home in England, friends poked fun at him, but the book he created, “Meetings With […]
In long-drawn moments of dusk Shadows are bold companions Birds grow silent and keep night’s secrets. Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com Check out some of the poetry of […]
Goodbye Ursula K Le Guin. Your search for balance and compassion as you explored the inner lands of imagination was an inspiration. It was with you I first encountered the […]