A winged bicycle soars over the miniature golf course at the former Tempelhof airport in Berlin. Just past the fence is housing for five-thousand asylum seekers recently arrived to Germany.
Tempelhof was built as a showcase airport by the Nazis, became an American base after World War II, was site of the famous Berlin Airlift in 1948 that kept Berlin afloat during the Soviet land blockade of the city, and now is a large park and its former buildings house people escaping war elsewhere.
The Tempelhof story comes full circle — from a place that launched war, to one that helped counter it and now to one of peace.
I liked this visual of the flying bicycle aiming for the sky, perhaps reflecting the dreams of all who pursue a better life no matter circumstance or history.
Carl Kruse
The Washing Post has a related story here.
For another Nazi era structure turned good, check out the Boris Art Collection bunker in a different blog post: Carl Kruse Visits the Boros Bunker.