O’Shaughnessy: An Ode
by Fraser Hibbitt for the Carl Kruse Blog Arthur O’Shaughnessy left one good poem behind. Many other Victorian poets left a few good poems behind and they are welcomed in […]
This. That. Bric-a-brac.
by Fraser Hibbitt for the Carl Kruse Blog Arthur O’Shaughnessy left one good poem behind. Many other Victorian poets left a few good poems behind and they are welcomed in […]
by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Blog I have been writing poetry for many years now. Lust was the hallmark of my earlier works, though not always of […]
by Asia Leonardi “My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments, what fiddlestrings and harps, drums and tamboura I sound and clash inside myself. All I hear […]
I always liked Dana Gioia’s poem “Summer Storm” and as we leave summer I thought I would share it with the blog. My friend Hazel says this was the poem […]
by Fraser Hibbitt In Albert Camus’ The Plague (1947), the narrator comments that ‘there have been as many plagues as wars in history; yet always plagues and wars take people […]
Here at the blog we celebrate some dates and anniversaries in our quirky way. The seasons, DNA Day, Bitcoin Pizza Day, Bitcoin’s Birthday, and in today’s post the anniversary of […]
I wake, open, Into the arms of the gentle night. Not yet do the silhouettes of naked boughs Charm the light, Nor has the soft chatter of sharp beaks Set […]
by Carl Kruse My friend Monica’s mom ended her life following years of chronic pain and Monica penned this poem for her. At first I thought Monica had not titled […]
By Fraser Hibbitt There is something lovable in the cursory brain. I had read Virginia Woolf describing the poet, Coleridge, as ravenously talking for hours on end about anything his […]
In long-drawn moments of dusk Shadows are bold companions Birds grow silent and keep night’s secrets. Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com Check out some of the poetry of […]
Here are three poems from my friend Otho Campbell. He has not titled them and so I have named them a la Emily Dickinson, which is to say titling them […]
Kuei-shan asked Yun-yen, “What is the seat of enlightenment?” Yun-yen said, “Freedom from artificiality.”- Kuei-shan (771-854)Freedom from artificiality. I like that. Carl Kruse